Fine Touch Flooring


Fine Touch


The Fine Touch Flooring Mobile Showroom is a travelling flooring store that offers a more convenient and personalized flooring selection experience, where customers can see and touch samples of the flooring options right in their own space. This allows you to get a better sense of how the flooring will look and feel in your specific environment. As an added convenience our flooring experts will also conduct a free measure and estimate during your appointment. 

On board the Mobile Showroom we carry a wide range of flooring options from a variety of reputable suppliers and direct importers, including luxury vinyl plank, laminate, hardwood, engineered hardwood, carpet, vinyl tile, as well as a variety of underlayments, custom mouldings/transitions/nosings and more!  All our flooring options come with residential and/or commercial warranties. We are sure to have something that can suit any color/style preference and budget.

Our Mobile Showroom is based in Kamloops BC but also offers these flooring services in Kelowna, Vancouver & anywhere in between.

Simply contact us to schedule a time for our store to come right to your door!

Flooring Kamloops,
Flooring Installation Kamloops, Laminate Flooring Kamloops


Our travelling showroom comes to all these locations

and everywhere in between!


Excellent quality work and communication. Knowledgeable suggestions, sources and experience. Brad really went out of his way to make sure we were happy and found exactly what we wanted. He was very efficient and a pleasure to have in our home. Very reasonably priced and a true professionaL


Thank you Brad for a job well done. A perfect and flawless installation! Your attention to detail and my concerns were greatly appreciated. You provided high quality flooring product. I would be very pleased to provide you with a great work reference to family and friends alike. All the best!


We were extremely pleased with the overall craftsmanship and detail Brad puts into his work. Brad's attention to detail was second to none. We would highly recommend Fine Touch Flooring and Finishing to anyone looking for quality products and workmanship.



“Time is Money” and “Seeing is believing” Let us bring both of these sayings to life with our Mobile Showroom, coming right to the door of your clients with over 100 full size sample boards creating a truly unique experience. Save yourself & your clients time and see these samples inside the home or space to help make the best decision possible.


We would love to hear from you! Give us a call today and let us show you how we can add value to your business or project with all that our Mobile Showroom has to offer. Whether residential or commercial, sales or installation, we handle it all.



Fine Touch Flooring provides professional, fully insured flooring installation services in Kamloops, Kelowna, Greater Vancouver, and everywhere in between. We specialize in both residential and commercial flooring installations and pride ourselves on being committed to delivering exceptional results that exceed our clients' expectations.


Hardwood flooring is made from trees such as oak, maple, walnut, and hickory, each of which offers distinctive colors, textures, and grain patterns. Known for their durability and longevity, hardwood floors can last for decades with proper maintenance and can even be refinished multiple times. Installing hardwood floors requires attention to detail and a high level of skill, but you can leave the installation to us. With our expertise, your hardwood floors will look beautiful for years to come.

Engineered Hardwood

Engineered Hardwood flooring can be installed using a variety of methods including floating, glue down, or nailing/stapling and proper floor preparation is crucial for a successful installation. We begin by thoroughly assessing the condition of your subfloor and identifying any areas of concern, such as moisture or unevenness. Our professional installers will then recommend the most suitable installation method for your project and work closely with you to develop a plan for addressing any subfloor issues prior to installation.

Luxury Vinyl Plank

Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring offers increased durability, resistance to moisture, and ease of maintenance and is designed to provide optimal protection against scratches, stains, and wear. When choosing a Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring, it is important to consider the thickness, the wear layer, the type of finish, and the installation method. By working with us to evaluate these factors, we can recommend the best option for your home or project. We prioritize the use of high-quality materials and expert installation techniques to ensure that the finished product is durable, long-lasting, and visually appealing.


Laminate flooring is a popular choice in residential spaces for its durability and affordability. It is a synthetic material that mimics the look of natural hardwoods, although it is generally not ideal for areas susceptible to moisture, laminate is a great overall option for most areas in your home and there are even some water-resistant options on the market now. We can help you determine if laminate is the best option for your project.


As an added convenience our installers are also trained and equipped to install baseboard after the new flooring has been laid, making us a one-stop shop. Even if your existing baseboards are still in good shape, and you don’t want to remove and replace them, a quarter round or shoe moulding could be the perfect finishing touch.

Ask us about the supply and/or installation of baseboards for your next project!


When it comes to installing floor coverings on staircases, it's essential to select the right materials and installation methods to ensure a professional and long-lasting result. We understand the unique challenges of stair installations and take extra care to ensure that every step is perfectly fitted and securely fastened for optimal durability and visual appeal. Staircases are frequently high-traffic areas and often serve as a focal point in a home, and with a wide variety of design options and styles to choose from, we can help you select the perfect floor covering to complement your home and enhance the overall look and feel of your staircase. Whether you're seeking a timeless hardwood, a luxurious carpet, or a durable and stylish vinyl or laminate staircase, we have the expertise and resources to deliver the perfect solution.

We will carefully evaluate your project’s unique requirements and ensure that all necessary preparatory work is completed prior to installation and that your new flooring is installed to the highest standards. We handle everything from new construction to renovations for all sizes of homes and projects, so whether your project needs demolition and clean-up or self-levelling, residential or commercial, rest-assured that we are the experts that you need to get the job done right.



Flooring Installer

Job Description:

- Install and/or repair flooring such as hardwood, laminate, vinyl, carpet/carpet tile according to product specifications and industry standards
- Assess & repair sub-floor (sanding, self-levelling concrete, feather patch etc.)
- Accurate estimating & measuring
- Proper & safe handling of power tools & equipment

Job Requirements:

- Proven experience as a floor layer or similar role is considered an asset
- Drivers license and your own transportation is required
- Ability to lift boxes of flooring (up to 50lbs)

We offer:

- Sub-contract or employment opportunities
- Competitive rates based off knowledge & experience

Hardwood Flooring Kamloops
Vinyl Plank Flooring Kamloops


Job Description:

- Market & sell flooring material and installation services
- Provide exceptional customer service throughout the sales process
- Actively pursue sales opportunities, follow up on leads, and convert inquiries into sales

Job Requirements:

- Previous experience in sales, preferably in the flooring or home improvement industry is considered an asset

We offer:

- Salary / commission opportunities
- Flexible part-time hours available
- Franchise opportunities also available for the right candidate